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6:00pm - 6:00pm

Local News

City of Oxford News Release


Frequently Asked Question: Why is Sewer Line Construction Taking Place During Daylight Hours Instead of Evening?


The city has been abuzz with a recurring question: Why is the ongoing sewer line construction being conducted during the daytime rather than at night? This strategic decision has been made to prioritize the safety of workers, residents, and commuters while ensuring the improvement of infrastructure.


This project is funded by a state agency, and it does not include the additional cost of work performed in the evening.


Evening construction activities will lead to additional costs of more than $1.5 million that the funding agency will not pay for. This financial increase is due to the necessity of paying higher wages to compensate workers for their overnight labor, the increased time it takes to do the work, the additional equipment such as lights, and more staff to address safety concerns. Daytime construction reduces the potential for accidental damage to existing infrastructure, such as water and sewer lines, internet, gas, and power lines. Also, there is an increased risk of damage to vehicles, equipment, buildings, and injuries or death to workers. In addition to worker safety, it is easier to manage vehicle traffic and pedestrians during the daytime, lowering the risk of accidents and incidents.


Supplies such as asphalt are available during the day. If the work is done during the evening hours, the cost of asphalt will be higher due to asphalt companies staying open later. In addition to the increased cost, it takes longer for the contractor to perform the work because they are managing more risks, it is more difficult to obtain supplies, and it makes them less efficient. Even though it is inconvenient, it is still the most cost-effective way to complete the work.


Will the Sewer Line Project Take Place During the NC Hot Sauce Contest & Festival?


No, the sewer line project will not occur during the NC Hot Sauce Contest & Festival. To ensure the success of the festival and to minimize disruptions for attendees and participants, it has been decided to temporarily suspend all construction work during the event. Once the festival concludes, construction work will resume as planned.


Projected Work Completion Schedule


The City of Oxford anticipates the sewer line construction to be complete on Hillsboro Street from Lewis to College and Bank Street, along with milling and overlaying of the utility patch on Hillsboro Street, around the beginning of November and before the Christmas shopping season. Unless unforeseen construction complications or weather-related factors arise that might affect the projected timeline.



For any inquiries, concerns, or questions, please direct them to our Communications Specialist, Sabrina Richards, at


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